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girlfriend loves to party

Starter: tieoneon22 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.0K
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 10
Awesome dude, keep em coming! Thx
Lvl 18
way too old to be hangin out in clubs dancing on bars, unless she's an old lady stripper
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Swiss407

way too old to be hangin out in clubs dancing on bars, unless she's an old lady stripper
I didn't know there was an age limit on that sort of thing..If you got it flaunt it ..
Lvl 18
There's definitely an age limit on that sort of thing. Once you get past 30-35 it's pretty pathetic to be hangin out with the 20 somethings in the club. And while she may "got it" surrounded by people her own age she would look awful by comparison standing next to two or three 20 somethings half naked dancing on the bar.

Shit, I'm 27 and I don't really go to clubs anymore. That stuff is for the kids. I'll still go out to one occasionally if there's a reason or we have a big group of people going. Otherwise I just stick to the more grown places.
Originally posted by Swiss407

There's definitely an age limit on that sort of thing. Once you get past 30-35 it's pretty pathetic to be hangin out with the 20 somethings in the club. And while she may "got it" surrounded by people her own age she would look awful by comparison standing next to two or three 20 somethings half naked dancing on the bar.

Shit, I'm 27 and I don't really go to clubs anymore. That stuff is for the kids. I'll still go out to one occasionally if there's a reason or we have a big group of people going. Otherwise I just stick to the more grown places.
Your already turning into a grumpy old man

Great pics TY
she is certainly a stripper.