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Girl getting pierced "down there"

Starter: Pophai Posted: 17 years ago Views: 8.1K
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Lvl 5
thats fucking nasty
Lvl 15
slutty...very slutty....she won't fuck any better....numbs the clit too.....whats the sense of it????
Lvl 7
Originally posted by likes2lick

....numbs the clit too....

Personal preference aside .. is there really a need to spread bullshit that you don't really know about? It CAN numb the general area. As in it is a possible side effect. But it isn't a certainty. I know more than a few females with this body mod and they have all reported that they suffer no ill effects from their piercings when it comes to the feeling they receive. In fact, a couple say that it enhances the feelings they have during the act.

What strikes me as odd, is that the thread title clearly states what is posted, yet the majority of posters only stopped by to reply with "Ew .. that's disgusting .. she won't fuck any better .. she's a whore" type comments. Why bother stopping and looking if you don't like genital piercings? I just don't get that.
Lvl 16
That makes me wish i was Magneto . I would have alot of fun haha .
Lvl 19
I find it really sexy. I've never licked a pussy with a piercing, but I bet it'd be fucking great. Awesome post mate.
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