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found @ the beaver... ( Update 13th of April)

Starter: Muad-dib Posted: 16 years ago Views: 100.5K
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Lvl 2
Originally posted by bigpetespc

HI - anyone having issues viewing the pics with the Beavers new 'must be 18' enter screen? I click the 18 button - get taken to a second page with a number of options - All, Straight, Gay etc - but does not go further no matter what I click on, just keep loading the same options page - Cant get into Beaver - any ideas?

Ta all -

NO, beaver's new policy is to verify the uploads first, before releasing them to the general public, so even though you upload your pics, and they give you the link codes, until one of their staff has not reviewed the posting and released it for general use, clicking on these pictures will only be taking you to the same start page!. I know, I use beaver for a lot of my pictures that I post on my website!.
Lvl 3
Have to drive this to the top of the list no time to really look right now but on first glimse lokks great. I will examine in depth later. ta very much.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by zzasnapper90uk

Have to drive this to the top of the list no time to really look right now but on first glimse lokks great. I will examine in depth later. ta very much.

welcome... always welcome!

some more...

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