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For redhead lovers !

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 11.3K
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Lvl 3
Lvl 21
only like the red if its real
Lvl 13
Red head's are fucking awesome!
Lvl 16
There are a couple of authentic redheads here... Regarless, all these women are beauties...
Lvl 7
Thank you for this. Damn I love me some redhead. These are great looking girls love the red pussy hair.
Lvl 14
Engineers at Cape Canaveral had an informal
expression for a very fine measurement. It
was "RCH" for "Red Cunt Hair" The RCH is
supposed to be much finer than those of the
brunette or blond. The only way to tell if
the hair color is real is to look for an RCC

But these girls are so fine, that the hair color just doesn't matter.
Lvl 5
great posts 5*
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