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Starter: zeus01 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 12.6K
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Are you saying that these girls are your EX's ??????
Why are none of the rooms the same or do you move house with every g/friend and you will find that some of the girls are on other sites.
Other then that ........ very nice
Originally posted by hobyiam

Are you saying that these girls are your EX's ??????
Why are none of the rooms the same or do you move house with every g/friend and you will find that some of the girls are on other sites.
Other then that ........ very nice

I'm with that guy. I don't buy that they're all your exes... and especially the first few sets, they look photoshopped or professionally done. Hot chicks, though.
Lvl 3
I hate to play the doubt game, but I have a hard time believing all of those are yours, dude. If it really is, then... *bows down before you*

Hot as fuck pics though. thanks.
Lvl 32
I took them all to different hotel rooms that's why none are the same....

I thought people would understand from the variety and if you've seen any of my other posts

But to set the record straight none are my Ex's, just someone's ex
Lvl 32
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