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dressed, undressed

Starter: reynann Posted: 16 years ago Views: 151.4K
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Lvl 4
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Lvl 4
Sadly, most look better dressed. Clothing hides a lot of flaws. I have noticed that many times poolside or at the beach. People who look normal clothed, look absolutely fat and gross in their swimsuits. Only the very lean and fit look better naked.
Lvl 14
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Lvl 5
@raffles: Do you have more of them/her?
Lvl 14
Lvl 6
Thanks. Graet thread
Lvl 2
nice pics, keep them coming!!!
Lvl 10
Can you get away with Newbie Nudes' shots?!?! Wow, didn't think that so, but there it is (pg1)
Lvl 9
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