Score: 4.22 Votes: 9
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Don't ask, just look

Starter: badboy65260 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.7K
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Lvl 12
you rock Badboy..thanks for the pics
Lvl 26
I'm looking and I'm drooling!!!Posts 14&17 are AWESOME!!!

Lvl 10
Awesome pics,thanks!!
Lvl 37
Heifers = A young female cow before she has had her first calf

Not sure that this applies here... I am thinking that this might be a derogatory reference to women that might need moderator review. Hot girls, though.
Lvl 29

I'm inclined to agree!!

Lvl 31
girl in #3 is gorgeous!
Lvl 29
#6 / #8 / perfection / ty
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