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Daddys little girl upskirt...

Starter: Tiina Posted: 20 years ago Views: 20.0K
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Lvl 17
They would be followers of s Higher Power
Lvl 15
So you would make them gay?
Lvl 17
As the resident Christian on wbw i gotta say no they would not be gay unless you mean happy, but they would be converted believers!!!
Originally posted by Agnus_Dei

As the resident Christian on wbw i gotta say no they would not be gay unless you mean happy, but they would be converted believers!!!

talk about a paradox.
* This post has been modified : 1 year ago
Lvl 15
Which fate is worse?
Lvl 17
Huh paradox? what u mean?
Lvl 17
being gay is worse i spose
Originally posted by Agnus_Dei

Huh paradox? what u mean?

Lvl 27
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Ad_Rock

thanks tiina, great pics......especially that last upskirt!

aww... what a way to make bangle sad...

::sees no last upskirt pic...::
Lvl 17
this thread is peverse
Lvl 13 do you square hanging out on WBW with being born-again?
Lvl 17
Even tho i am the resident Christian on here, i still get horny and i need to vent from time to time
time to time to time to time....
Lvl 13
i got the paradox and not really trying to piss anyone off but it sorta sounds like the typical christian atempting to say that there religion is the best one and all others are wrong and try to convert everyone and everything to that "right" religion
Of course everybody in a religion thinks it's the "right" one. While else would they be involved in it? Never heard anyone admit, " Damn, I hate being Catholic but I stay for the chicks."
Lvl 13
I'm not downing Christianity..(non-practicing errant sinner)..but dude you can't talk about converting pedos..then go wank off to some hot lez action..well I guess you can..all I'm saying is that it doesn't jive. Thats why I quit even trying..I figure it's way to fucking hard to try and mesh the letter of Christian theology with normal why not just try to be a good person..and if you've truly accepted'll all work out. Not going on a religious rant..just trying to help a brother out..probably the most bizarre thread to do it in.
Lvl 22
take the conversation to the lounge

not this thread...

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