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Cute little one goes all out with the selfshots

Starter: davethedope Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.8K
Lvl 9

Lvl 9

Lvl 4
Lvl 18
sometimes I wish I was just a little younger so digi cams were common during high school. Now days girls are totally willing to take pics and send them to their boyfriends or guys they like cause its' so easy and discreet. In my day it was either polaroids or you had to get the film developed which made the circumstances rare.

I'm only 27 by the way
Lvl 27
Originally posted by J-Swiss

sometimes I wish I was just a little younger so digi cams were common during high school. Now days girls are totally willing to take pics and send them to their boyfriends or guys they like cause its' so easy and discreet. In my day it was either polaroids or you had to get the film developed which made the circumstances rare.

I'm only 27 by the way

i'm a few days older buddy... see my retro thread's to find out, what was going on!!

btw: perfect girl - perfect pic's - best you can get!! thx dave!
shes cute TY
Originally posted by J-Swiss

sometimes I wish I was just a little younger so digi cams were common during high school. Now days girls are totally willing to take pics and send them to their boyfriends or guys they like cause its' so easy and discreet. In my day it was either polaroids or you had to get the film developed which made the circumstances rare.

I'm only 27 by the way

I feel the same way, and I just turned 24. If it makes you feel any better, college freshman are just as likely as high schoolers to do that...
Lvl 26
Wow very good shots.
Lvl 7
Very nice little body, could flip and maneuver her like nothing. Come on guys I'm 29 and and naked pics are naked pics. Ya its easier to share now, but that just means we have that much more game for getting them to go through that much more for us.
Lvl 13
Nice girl. Maybe it's time to invest in a camera that has a self-timer, then she won't have to do everything one-handed
Lvl 31
hot was nice of her to take pics for us!
Originally posted by cshmny

Very nice little body, could flip and maneuver her like nothing. Come on guys I'm 29 and and naked pics are naked pics. Ya its easier to share now, but that just means we have that much more game for getting them to go through that much more for us.

That much more game? Okay. I think the original point by J-Swiss was that nowadays, it takes virtually no game, and young girls are sending naked pics to impress guys, and I think he's definitely right.