Score: 4.64 Votes: 129
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couple of pics of me

Starter: tinyteasertina Posted: 17 years ago Views: 108.7K
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Lvl 2
You're are breathtakingly sexy. Thanks for taking the time to post.
Lvl 17
Tina, I told you in the old forum postings you were REALLY cute, and I'd feel VERY lucky to have you lying naked beside me. There are some new pics this time, even HOTTER! Thanks!I'd like to(poke) you.
Lvl 21
Tina you are fucking hot don't listen to that jerk
Lvl 12
You've got an awesome body and a fantastic arse, Tina.
Plz show us your pussy
Lvl 13
Very cute! Great stuff...
Lvl 13
Lvl 8
Watch out boys, don't burn youreself! She is HOT!!
Lvl 8
hey beauty this well done, hope you`ll go on this way
Lvl 7
Tina, thank you very much for this great thread. Sadly enough on the internet are always some pathetic haters, but if you look through the whole thread, your stunning pics are highly acclaimed. So let me tell you, that you are genuinely beautiful and don't let the haters get you down. I really hope to see another post in the future
Lvl 6
ha, i cant believe there is drama in a forum of postings of nude girls. lame.

anyway, your hot, you can keep posting pics!
Lvl 15
realy hott! hope to see some more of you!
Lvl 8
Lvl 6
Personally, I think your gorgeous. You have a really pretty face, hot little bod, I especially like your pale skin and you have a great ass!! Please don't let any one negative ( cause there's always got to be 1 or 2 or 19) dissuade you from posting. There is always gonna be those folks- screw em.
But hey- if it does and you really never do post again it was a pleasure. Thanks for being so bold as to put yourself out there for anonymous people to judge you from the comforts of our homes!
I really hope you do post more tho- I would be a pitty if we don't get to see more of ya!
Anyway since I first saw you in other threads I've wanted to hopefully there's more yet to come
Lvl 16
Thanks for the pics, your man is very lucky. You can take that to the bank because I rarely post comments on any pics.

To cuntslop. *Forget it.*
Lvl 25
Sweet, you have copies of M*A*S*H? I love that show.
Lvl 5
Ooooh Yeah!! That`s Hot
Lvl 15
excellent pics love the school girl strip, thanks for sharing. ignore tweadle dum and dummer, there always has to be one arse who thinks his opinion needs to be heard, who really has no jeff, and his spoof cuntstop
Lvl 7
Just way to damn sexy that tiny little ass!!!
Lvl 4
What's a hottie, u rock Tina, i hope see more soon
I wonder it's could if u cna make me a sign i need a new avatar
take care
Lvl 11
Great set of pictures - dont listen to those moaners - you just keep taking the photo's and posting them - I for one look forward to some more ....
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