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Continue to Post YOUR Wife or Girl Friend or Post Yourself if you are the wife/gf

Starter: FunCPL97 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 117.5K
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Lvl 7
isn't she a little cutie?
Lvl 4
Warnings69...YES she is a little cutie! Love to see more!!
Lvl 4
Originally posted by penny77

Thanks Nate, and Merry Christmas!

My pleasure to see more of you!!
Lvl 4
What awesome looking woman out here! Keep it up ladies and gentlemen!

Keep the thread alive!!!
Lvl 12
My Girl
Lvl 7
so would I nategobel, but chances of that are 0 to none

Lvl 7
Amazing girl Jet. Would love to see more.
Lvl 16
i don't have as many as i'd like - working on it - but here is one i coaxed out of her.
Lvl 11
Here's one of the many I took a few nights ago.
Lvl 5

Lvl 9
My wife Lisa
Lvl 9
My friend Bill's daughter. >;^)
Lvl 13
wanna c more of my friend daughter
Lvl 4
keeping it going
Lvl 9
The last two of Katie. I don't like these two as much
Lvl 9
My lust object from my old job.
Lvl 4
Lvl 2
Here is my wife
Lvl 17
and here mine
Lvl 8
My girl Gulya
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