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Starter: masterdp2k3 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.0K
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Lvl 10
nice girls
Lvl 14
imma update in a little bit. had 2 do some holiday shit if you kno what i mean.
Lvl 14
#10 is really cute - pity she doesnt show more skin!!!

Thanks man!!
Lvl 13
very nice
Lvl 10
Originally posted by masterdp2k3

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* This post has been modified by DEMO : 15 years ago
Lvl 8
Haven't seen some of those before though. Recognise most from her most recent post though I think.

^^^ and there you go. Looks like confirmed it before I got to the end of the thread.
* This post has been modified by DEMO : 15 years ago
Lvl 8
You'll have to excuse me if I just take a moment to check again. Though, to be fair, I have nothing to compare against. (lol)
Lvl 8
Good to see you back btw. You've been missed.

Yep, they're not bad at all. It would come down to a "furniture in the background" comparison of all the pics you've posted that are still on this site. I'll just take your word, but may also "feel free to think they are" as well.
Lvl 8
Why, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to the last 5 minutes. Thank you.
* This post has been modified by DEMO : 15 years ago
Lvl 8
Careful. People will constantly expect it from you. As we do in all your pictures and witty banter.
Lvl 8
I don't know...would you? Wait, this is a trick. Or, is it?

Okay, investigating away, in the first "nude from the waist down" pic, there is an old couch and what appears to be a fish, possibly a Bass on the wall. Do you have a fish on your wall, Jenn? I think that's the clincher.
Lvl 16
HB, I gotta give it to you. You do look acceptable..
Lvl 8
Reassuring on multiple levels. And if it was a singing fish, that would just be sad.
* This post has been modified by DEMO : 15 years ago
I like fish
Lvl 27
Not any more they're not, they were posted without her permission and they went bye bye
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 14
Nice thread!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Demonicmale


Not any more they're not, they were posted without her permission and they went bye bye

haha yeah and i'm sure 95% of the other girls on this site gave their permission to be posted naked on this site.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by 88MPH


haha yeah and i'm sure 95% of the other girls on this site gave their permission to be posted naked on this site.

You have a point but that 95% of other girls are not members and they have not requested their pictures to be taken down, OR they are members and/or know about the pictures posted and don't care that they are here.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by J_A_W_Z

You have a point but that 95% of other girls are not members and they have not requested their pictures to be taken down, OR they are members and/or know about the pictures posted and don't care that they are here.

Indeed, and if the woman in question provides proof that the pics posted are of them, the pics are removed, I've done it more than once, its just another quality service we offer
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