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Chubby with big titts

Starter: z1 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 8.6K
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Lvl 15
Very nice. My kinda lady!!!
Lvl 6
I'd SO hit it. My type of girl. Absolutely gorgeous.
I think the word 'chubby' was purely used in a 'she's not a size 0' way, rather than a 'she's fat' way. Either way, she's a fine looking girl with great boobs. And yes, her name is Audra Mitchell. Hot.
Lvl 8
Here you go golden boy enjoy the only picture I'll send your way
Lvl 8
deathby boredom sound's like my kind of man
Lvl 26
Originally posted by jarszoo

Here you go golden boy enjoy the only picture I'll send your way

which one?
Lvl 28
Sweet..big tits.
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