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cell phone pics...

Starter: tieoneon22 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 15.1K
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Lvl 30
Lvl 30
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Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
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Lvl 30
Lvl 14
I knew there was a reason why inventors combined cameras and cell phones together.
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Not a cell phone, but close enough for me

Lvl 30
Lvl 14
first one would be perfect if not for that nasty tatoo
Lvl 21
i like i like great pics. but why do your pictures always run off the page?
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 30
@jsteel - I have no idea what your talking about. They appear normal to me?
Lvl 7
are these from a website or real amateur girls?
Lvl 8
Hell with the great cellphone pics.. What are their cell phone numbers???
Lvl 21
hmmm... well insted of rows of pictures stacked on top of each other it's just one row, ya know? 20 pictures in one row. not 10 over 10 or how ever it usually works out.

not a big deal j/w
Lvl 30
They are real
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