Score: 4.31 Votes: 13
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BUST...a move!!

Starter: badboy65260 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 9.4K
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Lvl 43
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Anyone cracking on the first girl knows they would hit it in a heart beat. It's easy to sat here on the net and compare. Most of you go to a bar and only dream of hooking up with a girl half that good looking. I'm just being realistic. I wish it were that easy to rate and pick in the real world.
Lvl 43
Originally posted by wildcatman

Anyone cracking on the first girl knows they would hit it in a heart beat. It's easy to sat here on the net and compare. Most of you go to a bar and only dream of hooking up with a girl half that good looking. I'm just being realistic. I wish it were that easy to rate and pick in the real world.

You said it bro...true that!
Lvl 43
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Lvl 43
Imagine being able to pick and choose what woman ya want, and getting her. There'd be alot of lonely women out there..

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