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British Facials

Starter: 0ghash Posted: 15 years ago Views: 8.3K
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Lvl 14
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Lvl 7
Have you ever been to the Fair Dinkum Church????? Up at Kings Cross last I knew. Very good time.
Lvl 14
Lvl 26
Fantastic-white load on black face,that is soooo HOOOOT!!!
Lvl 14
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Lvl 14
Originally posted by cleanshaven68

Have you ever been to the Fair Dinkum Church????? Up at Kings Cross last I knew. Very good time.

Not that I recall dude, my memory is not the best with names thou.
Lvl 7
Underground Aussie and Kiwi bar. Like Backpackers except much more rowdy. 4 hours of really loud music strippers, games, warm VB's, and just about every beautiful chick in London there. Do NOT wear your church clothes. They actually have a website. I think if you google "the church" or "fair dinkum church" you can find where its at. I've heard its a bit toned down from a few years ago. But chicks just run up on stage and do what they justhave to do. Do me a favor and go find it - worship on Sunday - and report back. (its only on sunday 12 to 3) 20 quid to get in last I remember. Best 20 you'll ever spend.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by cleanshaven68

Underground Aussie and Kiwi bar. Like Backpackers except much more rowdy. 4 hours of really loud music strippers, games, warm VB's, and just about every beautiful chick in London there. Do NOT wear your church clothes. They actually have a website. I think if you google "the church" or "fair dinkum church" you can find where its at. I've heard its a bit toned down from a few years ago. But chicks just run up on stage and do what they justhave to do. Do me a favor and go find it - worship on Sunday - and report back. (its only on sunday 12 to 3) 20 quid to get in last I remember. Best 20 you'll ever spend.

That sounds pretty good, but I moved to spain a month ago
Lvl 7

I found it! You MUST go. apparently in Kentish town now. You have two days to decide. trust me. You won't forgive yourself if you don't go.
Lvl 19
Wow hot party. These girls seem to love cum....
Lvl 7

Found a better link. It is a must. I think I am going to come over in 2017. Ill be 49 - the same year my dad passed. He brought me to the church and inducted me into that hall of fame. 4 hours of fun you cannot describe. you must experience it.
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