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brides, bridesmaids, clothed/unclothed

Starter: bearclaire Posted: 15 years ago Views: 45.1K
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Lvl 26
Originally posted by childsplay


There's always someone that has to come up with some rude comment.

More without the dress.
Excellent comment.Thread is more than fantastic.Just go on and don't listen every stupid comment!!!
Lvl 11
Love it nothing better than seeing a woman in normal wear of any kind then stipping off and showing it all. The real stuff is always the best. Is this your lady and do you have more
Lvl 8
i do have some, "not so normal" items to wear as well! i do like it kinky hehe.
claire x
Lvl 26
Originally posted by bearclaire

i do have some, "not so normal" items to wear as well! i do like it kinky hehe.
claire x
[ Image ]
Thanks and continue!
Lvl 8
Lvl 26
WOW this is getting much warmer!!!Yes!!!
Lvl 8
i was asked by a few on here to start my own thread, so far so good.
claire x
Lvl 26
So far it's very good. Keep it up.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by bearclaire

i was asked by a few on here to start my own thread, so far so good.
claire x

Indeed, so far so good

And don't pay attention to people who are impatient for nudes, as long as you post them, as you did, all is well. And as for the rude people, I have a delete button to take care of them

Lvl 8
Lvl 26
This one is incredible,you are great poser.Thanks a lot!!!
Lvl 8
i have a secret weapon!....lots and lots of makeup lol.
claire x
Lvl 26
Originally posted by bearclaire

i have a secret weapon!....lots and lots of makeup lol.
claire x
With or without makeup you look very sexy!
Lvl 8
lol, but i have to live with me, trust me i need it!
thanks again.
claire x
Lvl 19
I do hope there is more of her naked...
Lvl 16
Very Very sexy and such a warm smile! More More more!
Lvl 15
Originally posted by bearclaire

i'm wondering if this will be popular or not.

Oh, yeah

Great thread, easy 5*****, please keep going
Lvl 6
Great pics,,,, great sequencing,,,,, only prob I have is with your pic host,,,,, way too damn slow,,,, taking forever to load,,,,,, but I'm waiting for the next batch,,,, thanks.
Lvl 13
Lvl 8
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