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Starter: john-smith Posted: 16 years ago Views: 53.0K
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Lvl 26
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Lvl 19
Shonne, In your expert opion would you say Mrs. NB has big tits?

Lvl 26
Originally posted by NorthernBoy

Shonne, In your expert opion would you say Mrs. NB has big tits?

Yes,she has,and not only big,also very beautiful and suckable!!!
Lvl 19
I know they aren't as big as some of the beauties you are finding.

Thanks for the thread.

Your the man.

Lvl 19
Then this one is for you shonne. Wish you where here to give them some attention....
Lvl 26
Originally posted by NorthernBoy

Then this one is for you shonne. Wish you where here to give them some attention....
Me too,that would be great!!!
Lvl 19
We are heading to the big city soon. Hope to find a quality camera man... Then I will have some more pictures
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