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Big Brother 11 USA cute blonde Jordan naked

Starter: davethedope Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.2K
Lvl 9

Lvl 9
Lvl 8
shes hot with big boobs
Lvl 5
What about the other Chick on that show? where are her boobs? she's gotta be showing them off! you just KNOW she is!
Lvl 5
I was hoping for the other girl too... her name is Laura Crosby if you want to google her.
Lvl 31
looks good
Lvl 9

Lvl 6
she is waaay hot
Lvl 7
I hope she stays on the show for a looooong time!
Lvl 14
I dont watch big brother but she is HAWT!
Lvl 7
Quite hto, thx
Lvl 5
post more if and when you get them
Lvl 18
damn who decorated that shitty ass bedroom? I'd get dizzy and puke just sitting in that multi-colored, tiled, ugly ass piece of shit. I didn't even know Big Brother was still on, I haven't met anybody who's talked about it or watched it in 5 years or more.