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Better as a redhead or brunette?

Starter: davethedope Posted: 13 years ago Views: 12.5K
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Lvl 9

Lvl 9

Lvl 9

Lvl 9

I gotta go with brunette. (:
Lvl 8
definitely brunette
Lvl 29
I must agree with the masses, brunette all the way
Lvl 19
I vote Brunette also.
Lvl 13
Beautiful woman! Better as a brunette though.
Lvl 13
Red head...going against the specialty.
Lvl 5
Red Head!
Lvl 25
Deffinately RED HEAD!!
Lvl 25
Lvl 15
Funny her tits look great either way!
Lvl 4
I LOVE redheads! but her natural brunette is better than a dyed red
Lvl 6
She has hair?
Lvl 5
it is one girl i think.......
Lvl 8
i have to say brunette
Lvl 7
I would take either, but if I must choose it would be brunette
Lvl 7
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