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Back Dimples

Starter: beamer142 Posted: 12 years ago Views: 31.4K
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Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28
Are these not about the best ever?

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 18
Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Lvl 14
They are called "Sacral Dimples" Very hot.
Lvl 28
I still prefer "Thumb Holes".

Much more practical.

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Yes, Thumb holes are definitely better than Sacral whatever that was.(beer)
In sweden we call them "storkbett" that's "stork bites"
Lvl 3
Am not sure if this is in the right topic, very hot though
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