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At the nearby lake

Starter: ann1993 Posted: 10 years ago Views: 16.2K
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Originally posted by ann1993
Well, not the lake.
But my uncle wanted to take some pictures.

So I took off my top ...

I'm probably focusing on the wrong part of your post here, but your uncle wanted some photos?
TheOnlyBiff, [Deleted] find this awesome.
Lvl 29
Great adds sweety, don't care who took them, thanks for sharing them
Lvl 14
you are beautiful with a great body... I wish I had a lake like that near me
Lvl 18
Very Nice
Well, not the lake.
But my uncle wanted to take some pictures.

So I took off my top ...[/reply]

Yea did you feel wierd ? Both my dad and uncle seen my boobs too. But not like you lol. My uncle. Took this photo.
[Deleted], [Deleted], olysteve find this awesome.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by jhope1

I'm probably focusing on the wrong part of your post here, but your uncle wanted some photos?

Oh yes. During a family holiday in greece, my uncle wanted to take some pics.
Imlovingit finds this awesome.
Lvl 18
I can be your Uncle!
olysteve finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
more more more mooore!!
Lvl 12
i would like to help apply some more lotion too...
Lvl 15
Love to see more. You're sexy!
Lvl 23
Originally posted by ann1993
Well, not the lake.
But my uncle wanted to take some pictures.

So I took off my top ...

You come from a very liberal family......
Lvl 3
great pics ann
Lvl 14
I bet he wanted to lotion you up.... we all would!!
Originally posted by ann1993
Now the last of my uncle's series.

When we had a walk at the beach

And you dyed your hair while there, or is that another family member?
When is your uncle taking some more photo's
Lvl 8
Originally posted by jhope1

And you dyed your hair while there, or is that another family member?

Oh no, the hair is getting lighter in the sun
Lvl 13
Amzing Ann!!
Lvl 12
any other recent photos?
Lvl 27
Must say Ann you are one hot babe love to have a go with you
Originally posted by ann1993
Again, not from "the" lake, but near a lake during a high school event.
My boyfriend asked me to go topless in front of my classmates and even the teacher.

pics got refused as upload. So I put them here

Your boyfriend asked you to get topless in front of the teacher, and your uncle liked taking topless photos of you? Riiiiight....

Hopefully these days you are better at choosing who you hang around with.
johnsnow finds this awesome.
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