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Another Naked Selfshot Hottie!

Starter: justin_ny Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.8K
Lvl 7
Another Naked Hottie taking Pics of Herself!
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
Lvl 16
YaY, we like self shooting girls.
Lvl 11
WOW you have more of her
Lvl 7
She's not a new girl. She's been posted before there are even vids of her doing naked cheers in front of the mirror.
Lvl 39
Hot enough that I could care less if she was posted in the past.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by jeremywbw

She's not a new girl. She's been posted before there are even vids of her doing naked cheers in front of the mirror.
well do you have a link where we could see her at? these videos i mean
Lvl 22
what i can see around the flash looks good!!any more?
Lvl 7
I have the vids and will post them a little later but I really wanna see the chick kristen i posted in the whos that girl section, heres the link

if anyone has her it would be greatly appreciated and rewarded..
Lvl 8
She is hot
Lvl 12
just gotta love self shooting girls... thanks
Lvl 5
hot little body. ty for the share
Lvl 11
vids? doing cheers? post them!
Lvl 9
quite the young hottie... great share!
Lvl 7
I have 2 different videos of her, damn hot too I must say bit I wanna see that chick kristen from jersey who's in the "who's that girl" thread. Assman had her he said but can't find them now. Come on guys find her and the vids are yours! Along with a bunch of other real hot vids
Lvl 8
dude just post the vids! lol if someone has those pics i'm sure they'll post them
Lvl 13


Lvl 8
does anyone ACTUALLY have the vids of this chick?