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Amateur Chicks: The best of the best of the best, SIR! WITH HONORS!

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 148.0K
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Lvl 59
So, you all remember, I'm sure, the other amateur threads I've done from time to time? If not, these are them:


Anyway, I updated them sporadically, but regularly, and they got all big and had lots of pictures in them and all. And then I said I was quitting.

But I figured I shouldn't just quit cold turkey. I might get withdrawal symptoms or something. So I'm making this thread. It will be updated less often, and much less voluminously. The only pictures that will end up in this thread are ones that have been fully vetted (by me) and are of very high quality babes. No sloppy Grimaces are going to make it in here, which, admittedly, happened in the other threads. And when this one runs its course that'll be it. A slow tapering off of the EL contributions. Anyway, TL;DR, I know.

And if you don't get the title, watch more movies, you shut-in perverts.


Lvl 28
perfect stuff
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Marcin21r finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
Lvl 28
good stuff
Lvl 12
Amazing post
Really?? The best of the best of the best? How'd this not so little gem sneak through?

I will however say thank you for posting this:
EricLindros finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
I think he made this thread so we could play "Find the fuck doll"
Lvl 12
There are some drop dead gorgeous women in this thread.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Really?? The best of the best of the best? How'd this not so little gem sneak through?

Hrm. I may have to fire my editor.
Lvl 59
And since you guys bumped this thread, might as well update it:

Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
This gif

And this gif

Have qualified for this thread. Let's all congratulate her.
Lvl 21
I had forgotten about this thread. Very well done.
Lvl 8
We must have very different taste in women. While there are a few that deserve to be in this thread, most do not. Maybe it was the title, but I expected so much more. The best of the best of the best implies that each and every girl would have you busting a nut... Sadly, that is just not the case. I'm not saying i could do better myself, only that the title set some very high expectations that the thread just does not live up to.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Parkville95
We must have very different taste in women. While there are a few that deserve to be in this thread, most do not. Maybe it was the title, but I expected so much more. The best of the best of the best implies that each and every girl would have you busting a nut... Sadly, that is just not the case. I'm not saying i could do better myself, only that the title set some very high expectations that the thread just does not live up to.

I think the thread deserves the title, we all have different tastes.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Parkville95
We must have very different taste in women.

Yeah, I'm the guy who likes gorgeous girls. You must be the other guy.

Seriously, yeah, people have different tastes. Like, for example, I perused a few of your "favorites" and, well, let's just say a lot of them aren't my cup of tea.


the_lorax finds this awesome.
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