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all new "Black & White Vintage Photos Collection"

Starter: bigbadbooty Posted: 16 years ago Views: 79.7K
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Lvl 12

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Lvl 12

Lvl 7
thanks for the post
Lvl 12

Lvl 3
thanks for the nice post ...
Lvl 10
None of these girls had AIDs and most likely none had any STDs. Guess that means you could fuck them without a condom if you wanted.
Lvl 14
What do you mean none of them had STDs? STD's were rampant before you could just go down to the free clinic and get some cream for it. Plus they had more bush for those crabs to swing from.
Lvl 6
Lvl 12

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Lvl 13
I have to say as a young gentleman in his early thirties, looking back at these pics, there was a sensuality, eroticness and aura of respect during these times. At some point things like that got lost, I ma not saying that all things today are such, but there is just something about these vintage pics that women exhibited, Very nice colection and wonderful pics of natural normal women. And yes probobly times were different back then, and 2 persons can be intimate with less worries, but its nice to see these and enjoy them
Lvl 12

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