Score: 4.12 Votes: 26
rate this the shower !

Starter: greg_greece Posted: 14 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 10
A small set of pics, nothing impressive but we hope you 'll like them !!
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
More later !!
Very sexy brotha! Love her small tits..perfect..and sweet ass. Nice pics!
Lvl 32
Nice, She's got a smoking hot body.....thanks for sharing
i like, greg!
Lvl 31
nothing spectacular? She's beautiful!
Lvl 11
Can't wait for more!!
Lvl 37
She's a keeper Greg!

Lvl 7
U still got a very hot and gorgeous wife.... Don't stop sharing=-)

thx a lot
Lvl 6
Natural beauty. Great Ass!
Lvl 10
Thank you all for the nice comments !!!!
Lvl 10
Her ass might be her strong point, but I do love her firm titties, too !!
Lvl 26
Can anybody say anything new about GORGEOUS Alex???
Lvl 6
Lvl 10
Lvl 17
She makes me horny...
Lvl 26
Originally posted by NorthernBoy

She makes me horny...
..and hard like a stone!!!
Lvl 17
Damn shonne your sex talk is making me think of how much I want her......
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