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a rare muad-dib one... neni jak u vody :)

Starter: Muad-dib Posted: 11 years ago Views: 14.0K
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Originally posted by kylecook
The pics of just the guy shouldn't be on here... Pics in post 10, 13, 14, 29, and 30 come to mind.

This is true, but I'll give Muad-dib the benefit of the doubt, partly because they are part of a series, but mostly because he is a great contributor.
Lvl 60
Originally posted by Jamesr60

This is true, but I'll give Muad-dib the benefit of the doubt, partly because they are part of a series, but mostly because he is a great contributor.

I'm not saying ban or suspend Maud-dib, that he isn't a good member, or anything like that. I'm just saying those pics should be removed. Even if they're part of a series, they can be removed when posting to WBW.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by kylecook

I'm not saying ban or suspend Maud-dib, that he isn't a good member, or anything like that. I'm just saying those pics should be removed. Even if they're part of a series, they can be removed when posting to WBW.

EHHHH!!! it's MUAD not MAUD!!!

back to topic: i see that mate, there is a nude dude - and of course i could remove those pics when posting to WBW
but hey, this is how some like it, me too, to keep it authentic. therefore the COMPLETE series (inclusive dude), just to keep the whole impression..
we could go for met pics only - no dude - just professional high glossy pic's only.. but is this the sense of WBW?

(thanks the retrieval of one's honor james )
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