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a few new hottie pics

Starter: hottie1230_1 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 23.3K
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Lvl 6
nice rack
Lvl 19
Love the ones of the white sheer and the see thru was great too. Hope you keep posting a few of the rear view angle maybe even a bit more on a perspective we get to see your danglers at the same time as your behind.
Lvl 26
Wonderful!Just show us everything you have,it is amazing!!!
Lvl 17
Originally posted by wow10inches

Its ashame your self-esteem is that low. Sorry.
Its a shame YOU think 2 inches is wow10inches
At least Hottie is a real woman, not a blowup doll.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by wow10inches

sagging tits... no thanks

dude, it's called nature. You see, when a woman gets a certain age, things tend to sag, just like with a dude. Skin looses elasticity and simply begins to stop being so tight. Hence, the sagging of a woman's breasts. Sorry that nature does this to all living things, but if you really must protest, go tell your local religious leaders that you want to petition your creator and have Him/Her/It rectify this apparent travesty. Personally, I could care less if they sag or if they are perky. Tits are tits, and you would know this had you seen some that were not posted within a website. (in other words, try to get a girlfriend that isn't made of polyeurothane)
Lvl 11
I really like the pictures with the white shirt.
Lvl 7
Damn Hottie, you are absolutely mouth watering!
Lvl 22

old dogs like,Thanks Hottie!
Lvl 17
Thanks hottie
Lvl 9
happy fuckin 2010
2 cocks
0 drama
1 chick
0 problems
my outlook for 2010

2 cocks alright, if you even call those cocks. the 2 of them hardly equal 1
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