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- Random Hotness III -

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 18 years ago Views: 33.0K
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Well, then you can make new goals. Go for a big 15,000 posts. Just don't forget the babes forums. You got good stuff!

Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism

Well... I would like to hit 10,000 posts then I don't know after that, maybe start hanging out in the lounge, after 10k posts thats all my goals for WBW, nothin left for me to do
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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And here I am scrambling for 1,000 posts.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by Dreamline

And here I am scrambling for 1,000 posts.

You'll make it I remember being right where you are now

It does get easier, well all the way up until you make a goal, mind you I was @ like 5000 posts less then a month ago, I have been busting my ass to hit 10k, I think thats what the problem is... I think I am wearing myself out.

Some will say... "Take a Break" I will... but not until I hot 10,000 posts, then I will go away for awhile, maybe build up some more material or something, theres alot of good places to visit, this one just turned out to be the best.

As Is OR
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