Pommes49, exocet, vegas365, bearsfan2112 and 11 other(s) find this awesome.
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Pommes49 1 month ago
Pommes49 1 month ago
Pommes49 1 month ago
Pommes49 1 month ago
Pommes49 1 month ago
cjr5347, nsu-tt, vegas365, FatSmeagol and 4 other(s) find this awesome.
Pommes49 1 month ago
Pommes49 3 weeks ago
boobiemonster 3 weeks ago
Pommes49 why do you try to mess up with threads started by others ?
Several pictures here are no underboobs , just like in the see-thru thread where serveral pics you posted are off-topic
Stay on topic or don't post in those threads
Several pictures here are no underboobs , just like in the see-thru thread where serveral pics you posted are off-topic
Stay on topic or don't post in those threads
RGBPEDASI007, Andi.d, xerton find this awesome.
Pommes49 3 weeks ago
You can argue about fashion because fashion is a matter of opinion or taste, separately in chat, but not in the public area.
boobiemonster 3 weeks ago
it's not a diference of opinion when those pics were reported and removed because those were off-topic
show some respect to the topic-strater and stay on topic
show some respect to the topic-strater and stay on topic
* This post has been modified
: 3 weeks ago
Andi.d, RGBPEDASI007 find this awesome.
Pommes49 3 weeks ago
To simply say that I'm trying to mess up other threads is grossly incorrect.
Likewise, to claim that I am respectful towards other thread starters is also wrong.
To clarify what an underboob actually is.
At the beginning of your thread you posted some real underboobs, but there are also some that definitely aren't, and by the way, I used to work in the textile industry, even though underboobs were still pretty unknown back then, here only some of your post:
#5287901 Bikini
#5287783 rolled up T-shirt
#5288877 half-open pajama jacket
#5289905 Bikini top
#5290793 Bikini
#5292638 rolled up pajama shirt ....
Nobody is perfect and I will not say more about it.
Likewise, to claim that I am respectful towards other thread starters is also wrong.
To clarify what an underboob actually is.
At the beginning of your thread you posted some real underboobs, but there are also some that definitely aren't, and by the way, I used to work in the textile industry, even though underboobs were still pretty unknown back then, here only some of your post:
#5287901 Bikini
#5287783 rolled up T-shirt
#5288877 half-open pajama jacket
#5289905 Bikini top
#5290793 Bikini
#5292638 rolled up pajama shirt ....
Nobody is perfect and I will not say more about it.
* This post has been modified
: 3 weeks ago
boobiemonster 3 weeks ago
the pics that were removed from you were topless women , wet t-shirts etc
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: 3 weeks ago
Andi.d, RGBPEDASI007 find this awesome.
xerton 3 weeks ago
Pommes49 has always posted as he want's. One time there was someone who told him what Per Fenestram means in the topic whit the same name. And he just replyed "i didn't know what" and posted 2-3 pictures more whitout any windows.......
But 98% of the pitcures are really good so i'm not complaining
But 98% of the pitcures are really good so i'm not complaining
boobiemonster 3 weeks ago
also the hair-bra thread is completely messed up by that guy.
Even if his english is not good enough to understand the title , looking at the other posts in a thread should be enough to understand what it is all about
Even if his english is not good enough to understand the title , looking at the other posts in a thread should be enough to understand what it is all about
* This post has been modified
: 3 weeks ago
RGBPEDASI007 finds this awesome.
boobiemonster 2 weeks ago
alpha59 2 weeks ago
vegas365, m3nutter, cjr5347, calspeeder and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Pommes49 2 weeks ago

vegas365, cjr5347, calspeeder, Andi.d and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Pommes49 1 week ago
cjr5347, vegas365, Rookie1, calspeeder and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
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