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The "ilovethapot" Hottie

Starter: z1 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 26
Lvl 26
Lvl 7
somewhere there are lots of pics of this girl naked.. i've seen them before.... anyone got the pics?
Lvl 13
She is hot, but I could do without seeing her fry her brain cells..
She may not have many to spare!!
Lvl 11
Smoking hot girl.

::Grins and laughs at own joke::
Lvl 19
Such a turn off.
Lvl 13
nice pot head
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Blownego

Smoking hot girl.

::Grins and laughs at own joke::

*also laughs at joke*

but she is hot...
Lvl 37
Just read an article saying that smoking is a bigger cause of sagging breasts than breastfeeding....
Lvl 3
Looks like she smokes just to be 'cool'

... Loser.

Would still shag her brains out though.
Lvl 3
She is damn hot, but the whole pot smoking thing is a real turn-off to me.
Lvl 12
Gotta say a chick blazin' is just fine with me. Would love to burn a spliff with her.
Lvl 14
What a waste...
Lvl 21
My kinda chick, cute and gets zoot
Lvl 7
i wonder if you could get a contact high from too much skin contact..
i wouldnt mind trying.
Lvl 6
we need more stoned chicks in their panties on here!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 11
Damn what a waste of such a fine piece of ass. Burnout...
Lvl 11
Lvl 13
ill burn one with her.
Lvl 12
smooking weed is ilegal and it kills ya phucking brain cells
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