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Thank God for cell phone cameras

Starter: BWL Posted: 13 years ago Views: 24.4K
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Its a great thread, but I have to say it....some of these girls seem too young to me.
Lvl 11
sweet thread
Lvl 7
Lets keep it going!
Lvl 11
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Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
I can't wait until software comes out that will allow us to check out internet posts for every aspiring job applicant and and every aspiring politician. Its bound to make us all more equal.
Lvl 26
1) dont thank god... thank the Japanese
2) for most of these pics ..dont thank them for cell phone cameras...but for the digital most of the shots are from regular digitals
3) all photos are great,......thanks for the post.....
Lvl 7
Lvl 11
Yes, for the overly "literal" among us, thank you for creating the technology that allows us to take digital photographs utilizing compact electronics, either as cell phones, PDA's, or digital cameras, regardless of the country of origin of their invention. Is that better?
Lvl 7
Lvl 29
Originally posted by BWL

Yes, for the overly "literal" among us, thank you for creating the technology that allows us to take digital photographs utilizing compact electronics, either as cell phones, PDA's, or digital cameras, regardless of the country of origin of their invention. Is that better?

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