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Stephanie's Plump Butt & Pretty Face!!!

Starter: purekaos1 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.0K
Lvl 6
Just some promiscuous chick that I know. She's always been known to be easy, sleazy and all of the above, but she always had a beautiful booty. Check her out! Lemme know what you think!

PS.. She has some thick thighs as well!

Look at how her ass sticks out in pic 11 and pic 15... It's really amazing in real life...
Lvl 6
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Lvl 6
I like her a lot, thanks for sharing. I wonder if she lets guys cum in her...the most guys she has slept with in one day (or night)...
Lvl 6
I'm not sure what her records are for how many guys she's slept with in one day or night, but I could almost guarantee you that she swallows and possibly let's guys cum inside her, assuming she takes birth control.
Lvl 6
she does really have a nice sit-upon...looks even better in the pics where is is skinnier, but still has that plump rump. next time she is roaring drunk, might be fun to ask her some questions or just talk about sex with her...then go for it!
Lvl 6
Check out that pic with the castle in the background and how her ass just sticks out. Though its not a close-up, it really portrays what her ass looks like in jeans.
Lvl 6
Lvl 5
excuse me? where are the nudes? lol
Ahhh...nothing like posting pictures of her wonderful vacation to the Happiest Place On Earth on a porn site. I'm sure she'd approve. lol
Lvl 6
Lol. I wish I had nudes. If I ever get a hold of any, I will post them immediately. But for now, enjoy her bootiful booty!
Originally posted by TornByMe

I like her a lot, thanks for sharing. I wonder if she lets guys cum in her...the most guys she has slept with in one day (or night)...


Oh and no children in posted pictures, even in then background!!!
Lvl 6
God bless her, her legs and her huge ass...