Score: 3.42 Votes: 12
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Rate Jessica's Hot Body

Starter: Irishhunter10 Posted: 12 years ago Views: 8.2K
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Lvl 6

Rate Jess

  • 7-9

    62.11% (118)

  • 4-6

    22.11% (42)

  • Perfect 10

    12.63% (24)

  • 1-3

    3.16% (6)

Votes: 190
Jess is a hairdresser from Cork City in ireland, rate her body and huge tits. Please comment also
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Her tits look amazing,and I am almost positive her body would be to die for,but without a nude or better pics,its hard to say.Solid 6.
Lvl 6
difficult hair !?
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
watermarked and/or copyright pictures removed
in the future, please hotlink those types of photos
* This post has been modified by the_kevin1 : 12 years ago
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 21
Shit, id do her!
Lvl 60
She's not bad. Not really my type, but not bad.
too much muck on her face.... looks like coco the fucking clown..... and spiders for eyes..... why do women think that's attractive???
Lvl 24
im inclined to agree with the above. my problem with her is that she looks so plastic with the way she does her hair and her makeup. it really takes away from her obvious hot body.... its too distracting

she does look awesome in some of those outfits though.
Lvl 12
undoubtedly she is one v hot chick with a super body
Lvl 6
Vote for jess, comments are great to see also
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