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Starter: Nékos Posted: 18 years ago Views: 21.5K
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Lvl 10
I love peeing girls!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Níkos.

A certain member asked if I could please find him pictures of girls peeing. Personally, I don't understand how these pictures can be a turn on in anyway at all, BUT, I'm really bored and had nothing better to do, so here are the results of my searches.

Your welcome, to the person that asked for these

I agree Nikos, but thanks for sharing, because some of these girls are really hot when you get past the urinating part.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Wild vids, very cool, keep um coming !!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
gawd damnit.....Indi©a stop posting those gifs of the girls actually peeing....this is a NONNUDE forum!!!
* This post has been modified by lilrika : 18 years ago
Lvl 16
Love babes on the potty
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
you absolutely must post links to these in high res in the movie forum...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 64
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 64
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
Amazing post...thanks a lot everyone for the great finds! Indy, where did you find all of those gifs?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Great thread! Thanks everybody, and especially Nikos.
I love these kind of pics - have quite a collection myself (and this thread has provided some welcome additions!). Mostly gained from previous threads on WBW, but some I've found by chance on file-sharing networks. Gimme a little time to go through them and pick out those I think may not be reposts, and I'll try to post some soon ;-)
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Here's a couple to whet you're appetite....
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
That didn't take as long as I thought it would :-)
Apologies if any (or all!) of these are reposts, but if they are I'm sure there will be folks out there who didn't catch them first time around anyway
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I don't know why, but I really like this one
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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