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my wife

Starter: tidyhand24 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.4K
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Lvl 7
so what do you think
Lvl 7
sorry for the zip i just remembered i will change that but it will take a while to get all of them up
Lvl 7
I like the katana pose as well as the black dress, heels and glasses.
Lvl 13
lovely pale skin.
Lvl 5
She a real red head?
Lvl 6
just lovely..yum
Lvl 7
wish i could show u i will try to night
Originally posted by thumper49

She a real red head?
Lvl 18
Outstanding. Super hot.

You, sir, are a lucky man.

Edit: I thought she looked hauntingly familiar... Then it hit me. You guys live in Tucson. lol
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 8
Need some nudes of her, please.
Lvl 26
Cute and sexy,and looks she is fun,but nude photos would be great!!!
Lvl 21
cute wife.. you'r lucky..
Lvl 38
Very hot Wife you lucky Bastard....
Lvl 30
your wife's hot! Thks 4 share
Lvl 16
She is smoking to me bro. Give us some more!
Lvl 24
Nice redhead..Thanks.
Lvl 11
VERY NICE ! ! ! I've always had a thing for redheads, keep up the good work.
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
Lvl 13
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