Pretty girl, too bad about the tatoos and the shit in her mouth. She's got dreamy eyes. Sexy.
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wildcatman 17 years ago
She is beautiful! Just get rid of the ugly tats. She has amazing eyes.
Pabst 17 years ago
She's attractive. Good job man. Possibly take a picture of her holding a sign that says WBW so we can have proof and noone will get angry.
cutereddragon 17 years ago
thank you for sharing, she is lovely, very hot figure, sexy underwar and attractive, very nice eyes, she's a hottie thank you !
Efferus 17 years ago
Sorry you don't find her tatoos hot, but some of us do. I find that ones that are tastefully done really enhance the body. That's the way I feel about hers anyway.
behemoth79 17 years ago
woah. shes beautiful. i dont mind the tattoos. her eyes EASILY make up for them, and then some. great girl. youre a lucky guy. and on a side note (i know this wont fly with many people here) but i applaud the fact that you arent going to post nudes of her, especially if she doesnt want you to.
kiwideath707 17 years ago
i agree with behemoth79 she is hot and sexy and do not post nudes of her if she does not want you to ok
Spartakuss 17 years ago
i think she is very cute, love her eyes but she has all that stain on her body. what a shame... what a waste of beautiful skin
Efferus 17 years ago
Thanks for your comments, especially you guys, behemoth and kiwideath. Yeah, nude pics won't happen. She's uncomfortable enough with the ones I put up cause she's so shy, but there you are... I'll take some more in the near future and post what I got. And yeah, her eyes are one of her best features... I get lost in them all the time. Anyway, thanks again.
[Deleted] 17 years ago
She is a stunning Lady, We all here respect her wishes of not wanting to go nude, Thanks for sharing the Pics that you both ave done so. She has wonderful eyes, stunning figure and great smile. Give her a big hug each nite. She can pose clothes here and still be hot. And to all the guys with Tat comments, respect the woman, each one of us does what we want, as does she. Respect her like the woman she is, and be thankful she posted what she felt comfortable posting
So to you Beautiful Lady, Thanks
So to you Beautiful Lady, Thanks
amegastar 17 years ago
She is so beautiful she has an angel eyes and faces but all that tatoos and piercing thing mean wasting her beauty... If one day you brokeup with her be sure so many candidates for her here ...
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