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My firend april from her stolen camera

Starter: linkbucks44 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 17.0K
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Lvl 5
I had her added on myspace a few years ago but it turns out she had a kid. She lives in Cali if I remember right. Wow... haven't seen her in a while.
Lvl 31
wow, shes gorgeous!! please post more!!
Lvl 7
On a scale of 1 to 10 shes an OMFG!!!!
Lvl 18
yeah her pics have been around forever and ever. Seen them tons of times.
Lvl 21
Shes awesome either way
Lvl 16
She's bonafide!
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 15
nice...any more "stolen" from her cam?
Lvl 8
Hmmm, she looks a lil' suspect. 18....?
Lvl 26
not sure about the story.... and she looks very very young....!
Lvl 6
i still dont get why people lie bout where they find pictures.pointless.
Lvl 9
shes not legal stuff pedofili stuff!!WBW must sort this shit out of here otherwise they close down this site!
Lvl 28
So you claim she's your friend and her camera was stolen... And you have the pictures? Must I point out my conclusion?

Pretty good looking either way.
Lvl 12
delicious girl
Lvl 6
Originally posted by djnoname

shes not legal stuff pedofili stuff!!WBW must sort this shit out of here otherwise they close down this site!

Sorry, but just have to say it,,,,, great freaking first post!
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