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my ex of about a month

Starter: linkbucks44 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 18.3K
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Lvl 12
true true i like all the chatting and addressing monsterk's questions, she was shaved always very clean, no peiecing except ears, normal size nipples there were very nice boobs tho, she did give me oral quite a few times she would spit sometimes but mostly swallow i tohught she was pretty good at bjs she could almost deepthroat i always tryed to get her to. we only fucked 3 times so idk she liked missionary and doggie i guess. anymore questions?
Lvl 26
Originally posted by wildcatman

Very pretty girl. What happened? Sorry to hear she is an ex

She is with me now
Lvl 12
anymore questions/comments
Lvl 14
she is a sexy little thing
Lvl 14
did she let you put it in her butt? or just pussy?
Lvl 59
Good for you, brah.

I see a lotta dudes post fuggos on here that they were with, and I act all diplomatic and shit, and say "thanks" when I [i]really[i] don't care, so it's nice to see a dude who's posting some hot ex.

Of course, sucks for you that she doesn't dig you anymore, but whatever man, that shit happens.

Lvl 12
hhaaha addressing thegame14 no ass just pussy and thanks ericlindros
Lvl 7
all of these pictures are off her facebook profile... I would like to see something not on there....
Lvl 12
sorry thedead69 i dont have nudes or too sexy ones but i find she is just as sexy in cloths an with what she wears
Lvl 16
She is hot and it would seem that she also has some very hot friends...
Lvl 12
her friends are very hot if anybody would like me to share some id love to there all sexy hot girls
Lvl 12
She's pretty hot- thanks for sharing.
Lvl 6
Florida?? Cute chick...
Lvl 22

I got pics of me and her, one in particular with cum hanging off her chin which I love, we're going steady now but we were on and off for a while a month or so back ~now I know why ~ but I say "live and let live", sorry 'bout that dude,

I won't tell her, her ex is posting shots from her Facebook account !
Lvl 26
Very sexy.
Lvl 12
if you want more just request it but this next girl is also friends with them
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
requests questions about any of the girls
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 12
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