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Lake Havasu Babes

Starter: tonycarlito Posted: 19 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Lvl 17
mmmm beer
Lvl 28
Hey tonycarlito, I assume you took these pics. Do these chicks ever see you taking a picture of them? And have you ever had something happen to you because of it, such as rocks being thrown at you or their boyfriend beating the shit out of you?
Lvl 11
Lake Havasu is in Arizona (US) and is just a short trip from the fake boobs and porn-loving city of angels (L.A.). This event was a jetski world racing championship and the pictures were taken by a couple of photographers for a website dedicated to jetskis. The women (& their boyfriends didn't seem to have a problem with it-from what I saw). Most of these women have probably been photographed many times before so they weren't shy. Peace.
Lvl 11
If you ever get a chance to go to a jetski race or any other "extreme" sports event in Southern California or Arizona or Las Vegas or wherever, GO! Also take all the pictures you want, just tell them you're with some jetski/extreme magazine or website.
Lvl 65
Sexy girls
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