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Just how is this Ugly guy dating this Beauty

Starter: Irishhunter10 Posted: 12 years ago Views: 3.5K
Lvl 6
Plz tell me, this is a real relationship, Claire Age 23 & Dave
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 3
personality ?
Lvl 28
She's not that good looking. And maybe he's a awesome guy. Or rich. Or both.
Lvl 16
he must have a BIG cack!
I bet he's rich. Guys are shallow for looks, women are shallow for money. If I can overgeneralize.
Lvl 28
Or, he just might not be an asshole, which most dudes are when it comes to pretty girls.
Lvl 15
I'd make the guess that he is rich.
Lvl 14
Coming from a chubby, average looking guy who is
currently dating a smokin hot blonde (patting m'self
on the back).... I'm going with personality. I have always
managed to get chicks that were out of my league.
I think most "average" guys just don't try for hot chicks.
Cheers to him!
Lvl 23
You mention her age,I'm presuming he is a lot older.
Some younger girls will go with an older guy because of percieved experience,and guess what,they are more mature.
To call him ugly,shows your maturity,and the reason you havn't got her.
Lvl 6
I dont know his age, i'll try to find out.
Lvl 21
My guess is he doesn't spend much time on crack-pot web sites!
He must be hung like a rogue elephant.
Lvl 6
comments guys
Lvl 29
Originally posted by bdfunk1234

Coming from a chubby, average looking guy who is
currently dating a smokin hot blonde (patting m'self
on the back).... I'm going with personality. I have always
managed to get chicks that were out of my league.
I think most "average" guys just don't try for hot chicks.
Cheers to him!

Looks aren't everything!!

Lvl 5
Feminism ruined society
Originally posted by Dagnabbit

He probably treats her like a woman and not a walking sex toy which to many guys see women as.

Maybe he does treat her like a woman and I bet it's for a good reason, not just because she's a good cook.
money talks, bullshit walks...........