I think you are cute in both. Mind posting some more pics?
you look hot in pic one and you look hot in pic 2
If I'm being honest, I think you look better now. I'm not into preggers chicks or that kinda thing, but like, your hair and face look better..
So yeah, as far as being seven months pregnant goes...you're looking pretty fantastic.
Um, actually I like your old hair better.
The beer belly with the kid in it doesn't really factor into it; I just like the old look a bit better. Maybe it's just a bad pose or something.
Either way you're still better than like 80% of the average chicks I see wandering around town being all gross and fat and old and gross, so you've got that going for you, which is nice.
I do like the longer hair, but you are sexy either way,...
you look very very hot both ways but hotter pregnant you have a beautiful glow
[Deleted] 13 years ago
I think you look you're cute in the first picture, but the second picture just makes you look gorgeous. =)
BlackcatinOzz 13 years ago
I think you look HOT in both Ramsann.
Here's hoping for more pics!!!
Twinkle-Toes 13 years ago
Wow!! You're really cute! I believe pregnant ladies are a bit more beautiful. They have a radiant glow about them.
[Deleted] 13 years ago
Love the dark hair in the first pic.
As for if being pregnant takes away from your beauty...no....not in the slightest.
i'm more of a "brunette" fan, but your seriously really cute! Prego or not!
first pictures perfect! Id be willing to bet you'll bounce right back to that
You have that turnaroundandstare beauty. Get a massage....it will help you feel better