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Girl I work with (NN only)

Starter: mwl2004 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 4.6K
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Lvl 7
This is a friend of mine called Gemma D

here are a few shots ive taken
shes also in the maxim little black book and although shes beenin a few magazines she doesnt get paid for shots so i put it in her as amature cus shes not pro.

ive got more from this shoot that ill post later, just got to resize the photos so they dont take up the whole screen

here are the maxim shots ( go to midlands and select gemma d for more info) she took herself and sent in

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
sweet, nice to have a "friend" like her.
Lvl 9
HOT. My girlfriend knows a girl named Gemma back in London.
Lvl 7

i asked if shed let me post the topless shots but she was having none of it ;(
Lvl 14
nice pics
Lvl 14
Wow! I would love to work with her.
Lvl 11
i'm sure that with a bit of wine and dine she could be convinced. if she let you take them surely she must have meant for them to be seen. i feel that she is a bit of a tease!
Lvl 19
she looks hot, say hi from me
Lvl 7
Originally posted by angeleyes

i'm sure that with a bit of wine and dine she could be convinced. if she let you take them surely she must have meant for them to be seen. i feel that she is a bit of a tease!

i wish...she took them herself on timer ;(
Lvl 51
she is hot! Thx mwl2004 for those pictures
Lvl 7
heres a few more

Lvl 24
heyy, really hot and beautiful blonde, just like the ones I like the most !

thx for posting, and retry to convince her about the other pics...?

Lvl 7
got some more photos coming hopefully tonight

shes said if you want to win a date with her then get over to the uk maxim site (not gonna post the link for fear of being called a spammer) and fill in your details, make sure you send a photo to be in with a better chance
Lvl 14
damn she's way hot
Lvl 17
where does she work
Lvl 19
wow, very hot girl
Lvl 7
heres some more info:

Name: Gemma D
Age: 21
Fave drink: Champagne
Party trick: Beyoncé booty shake
Ideal bloke: Funny, with a six-pack
Turn ons: A smart dresser
Turn offs: Dirty shoes
First date rules: Anything goes!
Ideal date: Cocktail bar
Best feature: My stunning green eyes
Other distinguishing features: My long blonde hair
Erogenous zones: The inside of my thigh

and some older pics

ill keep pics up for as long as my bandwidth can withstand... has certainly taken a beating from here
Lvl 7

got some more details from her about the competition shes in. It turns out that the girl who gets the most date requests wins a holiday and she has to chose one of those whos applied as her date. so come on guys get voting and do her and yourself a favour by texting MAXIM GEMMA D to 87121.

not certain what the text cost is but ill find back

hope this is ok to post mods ?

more pics coming soon

just to clarify you dont have to just vote by text, it is free to vote online and also using the aplication form enclosed with the free book in this months maxim
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 27
nice, i´m looking forward to the rest of the pics.

but more skin would be even nicer
Lvl 7

* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
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