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Enhanced Breasts: Hot or not?

Starter: SnowPrincess Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 4
Originally posted by screwy

Implants suck. Period. I don't care how small a woman's breasts are, I'll always take natural over silicone.

This ^. A thousand, million times, this ^.
Lvl 8
in my opinion you are hot just the way you are. you don't need implants. you'd be messing up a good thing. besides natural is better.
Lvl 59
Meh, she's pretty flat.

If she'd feel better about herself with boobs, go for it, I say.

All the dudes here can say all they want about fake boobs being horrible, but when they're out at a club or bar or restaurant, and they notice a chick with a moderate sized rack sitting next to a chick with a small rack - all other things being equal - they typically choose the larger set. They may not even know that they're implants if they're done proportionally. So, the bottom line is ya gotta do what you think will make you the happiest, and take the comments of a bunch of internet-white-knights with a grain of salt.
Lvl 14
it is hard to see how small they are, but you have a really cute face. As long as you dont get ridiculously large ones that look retarded, I would say yes. I HATE, HATE, HATE fake boobs, but they are better than A cups which is like not having boobs at all, just dont go overboard, get no bigger than a small C or big B and you will be smokin
Lvl 14
As long as they're not overdone, are proportional to the body, and can at least look somewhat realistic, I like them.

The only downside to them is that a lot of women that get them get ones that are that obviously fake even from a distance. When they look hard and plastic, it's definitely a turn-off... I guess you'll have to see if your doctor says your body can support a size or two bigger or whatever you want to be doing.
Lvl 7
Do what ever makes you happy
I don't like them so don't do it, you look pretty hot as you are. Tits aren't everything, I'd prefer a flat chested chick with a tight snatch over a BBW with a grand canyon and what if one exploded or something? that would suck
Lvl 4
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, she's pretty flat.

If she'd feel better about herself with boobs, go for it, I say.

All the dudes here can say all they want about fake boobs being horrible, but when they're out at a club or bar or restaurant, and they notice a chick with a moderate sized rack sitting next to a chick with a small rack - all other things being equal - they typically choose the larger set. They may not even know that they're implants if they're done proportionally. So, the bottom line is ya gotta do what you think will make you the happiest, and take the comments of a bunch of internet-white-knights with a grain of salt.

Somehow I find your comment quite belittling and offensive.
Who are you to say whether we're being sincere or not? I don't know about the others, but personally I meant every word I said: I do not like fake boobs... really! In fact, most of the girls I dated were really not that busty and I don't think that was coincidental. Then again, maybe I'm just not that typical.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, she's pretty flat.

If she'd feel better about herself with boobs, go for it, I say.

All the dudes here can say all they want about fake boobs being horrible, but when they're out at a club or bar or restaurant, and they notice a chick with a moderate sized rack sitting next to a chick with a small rack - all other things being equal - they typically choose the larger set. They may not even know that they're implants if they're done proportionally. So, the bottom line is ya gotta do what you think will make you the happiest, and take the comments of a bunch of internet-white-knights with a grain of salt.
The best comment so far.Right in the middle!!!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by tonybrown

My wife has them, and she loves them. After two kids she thought hers looked horrible, even tho I still thought they were great. She has a ton more self confidence now.... The drawback is she had to buy a bunch of new tops, but hers were very well done and look great.

No Nudes in the NON nude forum .. pic removed

I would echo Tony's thoughts. I know several women who've got them and said it made a world of difference to their confidence and even allowed them to wear clothes they'd wanted to wear but not felt comfortable with while having smaller breasts. That said, I think most guys will tell you it doesn't matter to them and that all tits are good tits, so don't do it for us.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros

All the dudes here can say all they want about fake boobs being horrible, but when they're out at a club or bar or restaurant, and they notice a chick with a moderate sized rack sitting next to a chick with a small rack - all other things being equal - they typically choose the larger set. They may not even know that they're implants if they're done proportionally. So, the bottom line is ya gotta do what you think will make you the happiest, and take the comments of a bunch of internet-white-knights with a grain of salt.

Yeah, I admit that full breasts draw my attention, but I'm LESS likely to be interested in a woman if I think her breasts are not natural. I'll take a natural A-cup over an enhanced C-cup every day of the week.

The pics that SnowPrincess posted look pretty good already.
Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful
Lvl 11
Originally posted by ready1

Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful
Lvl 23
Yeah Lindros! Ya fuckin' unsuccessful douche troll!!!
Lvl 40
Debate is raging over this subject
Lvl 6
I prefer my women natural, unless the implants look natural.
Implants will never look natural.. it's not possible
Lvl 11
You don't need to change a thing. You're gorgeous as you are.
Member of the " No-to-the-implants-section "
Lvl 26
Originally posted by brownell


Yeah, I admit that full breasts draw my attention, but I'm LESS likely to be interested in a woman if I think her breasts are not natural. I'll take a natural A-cup over an enhanced C-cup every day of the week.

I agree 100%

Personally I HATE breast implants. I think they ALWAYS look fake and they feel 50 million times worse than they look. Have you ever felt them? Breasts are meant to jiggle and move naturally not just sit there like 2 melons stuffed in your bra and they're hard as rocks compared to the real thing. I love small boobs though, so you might not wanna take my advice. Just realize that there's tons and tons of men and women out there who will love your body just that way it is before you go making a huge descision like this.
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