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Cute girl with messed up teeth.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 19 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Lvl 18
Isn't she your next-door neighbor, red?
Lvl 13
aaargh! not do-able!
Lvl 16
Two words come to mind --- "Extreme Makeover""
Lvl 7
Originally posted by burnstyle

id prolly do her...

but it would have to be while listning to very sad music... so she would be depressed... and never smile....

you mean, doing you wouldn't be depressing enough for her?? lol
i had to do it. you set yourself up for that one.

i'd do her, as long as her breath didn't reek. she'd have the crookedest teeth i ever came across.

thanks for the post
Holy moly she's ugly
Lvl 51
nice pictures, thx
Lvl 11
OMG i think she's one of the most scary woman ever to walk the surface of this planet
Lvl 15
i don't think she has a single redeeming quality. i mean other than she, i guess. because she is NOT cute first of all, and second of all, i'm pretty sure she must eat chain link fences for breakfast with those teeth. looks like Jaws' love interest (Jaws from the bond movie Moonraker, not the shark)
Lvl 9
wow. she's sorta butt ugly. sorry.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by I3zikø

I`ts not her teeth that scare me It`s those eyes

I`d hit it
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
can we remove this? or better yet, someone photoshop her face so that she a) has normal teeth and b) has a different face and body. pretty much I'm thinking we need an entirely different pic
Lvl 13
this any good

*edit* * FUCK*
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
try again, sorry
Lvl 16
Lvl 13
I think everyones mentally scared now. You could paste a beuatiful face on her and you`ll still see those teeth
Lvl 11
fucked up teeth rite enough and not cute, but the bird in the red traksuit is.
Lvl 9
Her teeth are so fucked up, i need braces just from looking at her.
Lvl 9
She is clearly the spawn of Satan. With the sign of the devil, the teeth and those red eyes, she is clearly evil royalty.
Lvl 17
never underestimate the importance of a great smile
Lvl 11
holy chompers
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