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wolverine666 17 years ago
this must be the most stupid thread ever!!!!!!! "Beautiful Beauties"???? What the fucks that???
* This post has been modified
: 17 years ago
finguy 17 years ago
Well, I don't think it is. An oxymoron would be something like "ugly beauties". There has to be a contradiction.
And yeah, it's oxymoron, not oximoron.
But still, wolverine666 shouldn't be that rude...
Nice girls!
Originally posted by gathofbaal
an oximoron
Well, I don't think it is. An oxymoron would be something like "ugly beauties". There has to be a contradiction.
And yeah, it's oxymoron, not oximoron.
But still, wolverine666 shouldn't be that rude...
Nice girls!
* This post has been modified
: 17 years ago
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