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At The Bar (and on the bar for that matter):my slow return to posting

Starter: Boxbanger_ Posted: 19 years ago Views: 1.4K
Lvl 13
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
keep Pharrari away from me.
Lvl 13
Lvl 13
caught this guy with his hand in her pants.
Lvl 13
:invites them over:
Lvl 15
Boxie!!!! Glad to have you back posting!! Its been since when? The Best Buy Vid?? Fuck the BS people gave you.... do what you do best here man, post away!!!
Lvl 13
Lvl 13
thanks Dub, yeah I was just re-reading that thread, I still think that the fake phone call you did was awesome. I have still been coming to WBW everyday since then, I have just stopped posting. But I have been thinking about starting again, maybe time for another "Party Post", where people are still not invited!
Lvl 15
I forgot all about that..... I just read it again and got a good laugh out of it still....
Lvl 6
nice pictures Boxbanger_
Lvl 9
nice chicks