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Just wondering

Starter: The_Crow Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.7K
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Lvl 14
U have your own mill ??
Well i know this dude on irc ....he is a crazzy english man and he wants to move too holland just too live in a windmill omfg!!!
I met him in amsterdam 2 years back and he saw a mill there and he was sold too it .
Mmm ...mayby Counterstrike made him gone mad
Lvl 16
lol no i havn't got a mill

but i don't want to live in a mill either
you can't even hang a painting on the wall couse its all round
Lvl 12
just hang the painting on the blades (no english word for wieken?)
that way you can have like 4 different paintings come by!
just like TV but more.. boring
Lvl 12
damn never thought that this thread would live on this long :P
Nice 2 see im not a outcast or anything
(if any1 is interested > I'm from The Netherlands
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
ow and here my final word (PER SECOND!!!)
Dont Fuck with them Goth chicks
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
(dont take that litteral of course )
Lvl 25
Hehhee Nice to see some people are finaly using the forum. In the new site the forum is more higlighted.. hope people will use it more in the future.. And in the future maybe a thing to add some more forums in some categories!
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
u got that much ppl here but only 10 or so use the forum...
Lvl 14
Mmm mayby they can`t find the forum ......or just can`t be arsed.....dunno

heck /me is
Lvl 16
most people here like to exersize a lot i think
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 14
That would explain why they don`t join our confersation here ....they don`t have the time for it
Lvl 12
huh wtf i'm still here dont worry i still love you all no i hate dots and comma's or whatever they are called in teh olde english language time for more pr0n!
Lvl 14
Mayby i must find a girl friend again ....
Lvl 12
i dont really know what to answer to that so in true homestar fashion..

/me does a dance

just kinda.. gimmy and shake!
Lvl 16
Find a girlfriend and a beer W@r-steiner
Lvl 14
Well beer enough here a girl...think they are hiding
Lvl 12
Well you cant expect them to just walk up to you..

especially not after the time when that one chick noticed you were scoping her out with my sniper air gun
Lvl 14
Hey i had to check her out real close

Omg did you change your avatar again????
Do u have a multi personal thingy ???
Lvl 12
Yeah i cant really make up my mind..

perhaps i should go back to my old Face avatar

Avatars.. Avatars..
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