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What lies beneath...

Starter: The_Sentinel Posted: 5 years ago Views: 28.5K
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Lvl 2
Love this thread!!
The_Sentinel, ninjashrink11 find this awesome.
Lvl 55
GR, xfireman, Andi.d, segafifa and 10 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 17
What lies beneath...

  • Army recrutation?

  • Medical exam?

No ... just Czech Casting.
Lvl 45
What I ***LOVE*** about this forum is the consistency of having the woman posing clothed and then naked IN EXACTLY the same spot!

I know there are some other forums where its a picture of the woman in one setting and then "later" showing her naked, but for those of us who like to imagine what women we pass on the street might look like naked, THIS forum is about as good as it gets!
[Deleted], The_Sentinel find this awesome.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by expat2011
I know there are some other forums where its a picture of the woman in one setting and then "later" showing her naked, but for those of us who like to imagine what women we pass on the street might look like naked, THIS forum is about as good as it gets!

Yep. This should be required viewing for all young men about to venture out in the world because this is pretty much how women really[u][/u] look. Their boobs are slightly different from each other, they have a little tummy, and there's no perfect lighting or airbrush. Heck, some of these are actual professional soft porn models, but you wouldn't know it by looking at these images. Great stuff.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
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