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This girl looks a lot like Scarlett Johansson. I can't be sure because I've never seen ScarJo having sex and giving head. You decide.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 14.6K
Lvl 59

Is this Scarlett Johanssen?

  • No wai, are you blind?

    54.69% (35)

  • Yes! *fapfap* (or shlick)

    26.56% (17)


    18.75% (12)

Votes: 64
Thread title should be somewhat self explanatory.

So I've created a little narriative for the first few pictures.

You see, she's lying here in her boyfriend's bed, reading some script for an upcoming project or something. She's reading this script in her panties. Then, he's like, "HOLY SHIT SCARLETT JOHANNSON IS IN MY BED" and gets all aroused and whatnot. So then he gets a blowjob. And sex.

Ok, so that last part is a bit anti-climactic and could probably use a little more fleshing out, but really, what do you expect? I'm not a screenwriter or something, I'm just a dude posting some naked porn pics to a website. Jeez. Get off my back, would you?! Fuckers.

And, for reference, here's really what she looks like naked:

And here's a face so you can compare moles:

And here's another:

Lvl 27

But not sure why
Lvl 20
If not, they have incredibly similar freckle placement.
Lvl 16
i want to believe.
Lvl 14
If this is her, what lucky guy is that?

And yes, freckles are spot on. Tho I would say (and hope) she could afford a nicer bedroom than what is shown.
why don't you ask Ryan Reynolds?
Lvl 9
would hammer her whoever she is!
Lvl 16
not her. ear lobes are different and i believe the girl has brown eyes.
Lvl 5
Scar Jo is the hottest.

A remarkable similarity.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by profopuss

Scar Jo is the hottest.

A remarkable similarity.

I agree whith you..
Lvl 28
Her butt is kinda big.